A new direction for the defiant path

Hello everyone, this is just a quick update on what we're working on for 0.11.0.

We've received a lot of feedback about the defiant path that Amanda can take in Animus Non Grata, and the fact that Don comes across as a sadistic asshole. This was at the time of writing the story intentional, but it simply doesn't mesh well with the rest of the story and the story moments throughout the game that happens regardless of the path Amanda chooses to take (submissive or defiant). As such, in version 0.11.0, we'll rewrite the defiant path in a way that leans heavily into Amanda's nature as a bdsm sex android. We've not removed any of the bdsm and punishment scenes, but we have changed the things said and modified a tiny bit the way things play out. In total, over 50 passages were affected by changes. Playing through a fully defiant Amanda in version 0.11.0 will now give you a completely different story feeling than the old versions of Animus Non Grata.

When 0.11.0 comes out, I will need all of your help finding all instances where the writing still refers to Don as a sadistic asshole, since it's possible I missed some passages.

Stay tuned for 0.11.0, it will be out probably around mid/late April!

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